Welcome to The Villas Recovery Housing

We provide a safe and supportive environment that feels like home, so that you can focus on your journey towards healing and growth.

Our approach

We take a holistic approach to provide our community with access to sober living that protects our residents’ dignity, self-respect, confidentiality and safety, so that we can support them on their journey towards sustainable recovery.

12-Step Principles of Sober Living

The 12 Steps meetings are a path towards recovery that has helped countless individuals overcome addiction and find a renewed sense of purpose in their lives. At The Villas Recovery Housing, all new residents are requires to complete 90 meetings in 90 days. With this approach, emphasis on self-reflection, personal growth, and accountability, residents are empowered to take ownership of their lives and work towards a brighter future. With support from others in the program and a commitment to the 12 Steps, anything is possible.

State Certified Recovery Residence

We certified by the Florida Association of Recovery Residences (FARR). FARR is and affiliate of the National Alliance of Recovery Residences, that evaluates and monitors standards and services in recovery residences throughout Florida. We are also a State Certified transitional housing program by the department of children and families. The program is responsible for the oversight of a statewide system of care for the prevention, treatment, and recovery of children and adults with serious mental health illnesses or substance abuse disorders.

“Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.”


Our Blog

The Power of Community in Recovery: How to Build a Support System That Works

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Mindfulness and Meditation: Powerful Tools for Finding Inner Peace in Recovery

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Breaking the Stigma: Why It's Important to Share Your Recovery Story

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Nutrition and Exercise: A Holistic Approach to Healing from Substance Abuse

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Are you looking for safe, sober and responsible living? Contact us today.